Carlisle Events’ Auto Mania at new venue for 2021 only

In 2021 AutoMania will take place at the Carlisle Expo Center on January 15-17, 2021.

Carlisle, PA – Carlisle Events has officially backed the annual Auto Mania event in Allentown, Pennsylvania since 2014, with the event itself calling the Allentown Fairgrounds home since 1990. For 2021 ONLY, the event will take place at the Carlisle Expo Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and WILL return to Allentown in 2022.

Running January 15-17, 2021, Auto Mania offers buyers and sellers alike a chance to shop indoors (in a heated setting) for automotive pieces, parts, merchandise and collectibles. This is a great way to further in progress projects and/or start a new as the calendar flips from December to January and car hobbyists begin those winter projects.

Carlisle Events

Besides the new, temporary location that’s 99 miles and two highways from “home,” Auto Mania will see some added changes during these unique times. While the Carlisle Expo Center is quite spacious, its overall footprint is smaller than that of the Agri-Plex building in Allentown. Carlisle Events does expect Auto Mania 2021 to be sold out, even with a reduced capacity. Vendors will be positioned indoors and outside space (weather permitting) will be available too. Outside space will also allow for cars to be sold via a car corral. Here, buyer and seller can work direct to make a deal on cars spanning decades of production.

Carlisle Events

Further, it’s anticipated that 150 vending spaces will be available for the three-day offering. Another new feature for the 2021 offering is that spectators can now purchase tickets two different ways, in-person as they normally do OR online and in advance of the event. In all, Auto Mania offers new products for sale, memorabilia, tires, car parts, collectibles, car care products, tools, vintage automobilia, vintage advertising and more.

Ample parking is available on the street sides leading up to the Carlisle Expo Center and just a few blocks east of the building is the spacious Carlisle PA Fairgrounds. Parking will be FREE per car, while spectator tickets are $10 when purchased at the door, $9 when buying online. Event hours vary (Friday/12 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday/9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday/9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).

Finally, Carlisle Events and the Carlisle Expo Center remain COVID compliant and offer detailed health safety measures at the venue. Complete details on the COVID plan can be found at Once indoors, guests will find restrooms and a wide open event that aims to fill the automotive void created by the cold, dark winter months. As food options go, a limited amount of food trucks will be parked just outside the venue.

Complete details about this ONE-TIME move, specifics on how to secure a vending or car corral space, links to purchase spectator tickets and more can be found at or by calling 717-243-7855.

Carlisle Events is a partner or producer of over a dozen annual collector car/truck events. Events are held at the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds (Carlisle, PA), Allentown Fairgrounds (Allentown, PA), the Sunset Auction Facility (Sarasota, FL) and the SUN ‘n FUN Expo Campus (Lakeland, FL). The season schedule includes four automotive flea markets of varying size, five auctions, as well as individual specialty shows featuring Corvettes, Fords, GMs, Chryslers, trucks, imports, tuners and performance sport compacts. Founded in 1974 by friends Bill Miller and Chip Miller, events hosted at Carlisle attract enthusiasts annually from all corners of the globe. More information is available at or

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