And the 2014 Golden Quill Award winners are…
Salute to the Winning Field “There are many good car club publications, but some stand taller than the crowd. Those are the ones worthy of special notice,” says Dr. Gerald…
Salute to the Winning Field
“There are many good car club publications, but some stand taller than the crowd. Those are the ones worthy of special notice,” says Dr. Gerald Perschbacher, a professional editor and book author himself, as well as a longtime contributor and columnist for Old Cars Weekly. “Those publications that lead the way in advancing the hobby need to be recognized.”
Perschbacher is chief judge for OCW’s Golden Quill Award, which is an established indicator of quality efforts in club publications.
Car clubs submit hardcopy versions of their publications to the head office of OCW and to Perschbacher. A careful selection of potential winners is suggested, then the OCW editorial staff and Perschbacher work out final details with quality high on the list.
Winning publications usually have several key elements, notes Perschbacher. He said top contenders strive to deliver balanced content, and this “usually includes events, recollections, how-to items, restoration tips, repair information, warnings on weaknesses that appear as cars age, members’ news, photo features and overall good use of color or black-and-white for accents.
“There are other factors, too,” Perschbacher adds. “Photos have good resolution and composition. Backgrounds are not too busy. They avoid compression or stretching and represent cars and people as they truly appeared. Layout and design are amenable to readers. Type fonts are used wisely to convey an appealing appearance.
“Let’s not overlook originality. In other words, an occasional reprint of an article may be fine in the eyes of most readers, but a steady diet of that can wear thin,” says OCW Editor Angelo Van Bogart. “Some winning issues also run brief minutes, reports and classifieds. Every element should be aimed at advancing the goals of the club, highlighting its favorite marque or eras, and fitting in with the readership desires of members.”
Perschbacher further explains that technical information, history, features, and club “stuff” should strike a good balance in each issue, if possible, or at least for the full run of the publication in a given year. He adds that prospective winners are grouped by categories that include page count, use of black-and-white or color and quality of paper stock. “It’s only fair to do it that way, otherwise we’d be comparing apples to oranges.”
The list of winners included here are for calendar year 2014. “If your club wants its publication to be considered for 2015, then send copies of each issue to both judges, preferably as each issue is printed. That way, your club and its publication may be selected to be mentioned in one of the ‘Club Clips’ columns that appear in every issue,” concludes Van Bogart.
Gratis hard copies of club publications are to be sent to:
Editor, Old Cars Weekly, 700 East State St., Iola, WI 54990
And to:
Dr. Gerald Perschbacher, 8868 Rock Forest Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123-1116.
And the 2014 Golden Quill Award winners are…
Antique Automobile, West Peterson, editor in chief, Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA)
Avanti Magazine, Lewis Schucart, editor, Avanti Owners Association International
Brute Force, Bill Adams Jr., editor, Chrysler 300 Club
The Buick Bugle, Pete Phillips, editor, Buick Club of America (BCA)
The Bulb Horn, Dennis Holland, editor, The Veteran Motor Car Club of America (VMCCA)
The Classic Car, Ron Verschoor, editor, Classic Car Club of America (CCCA)
Generator & Distributor, Kate Sullivan, editor, Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA)
Horseless Carriage Gazette, John Meyer III, editor, Horseless Carriage Club of America (HCCA)
Jaguar Journal, Michael L. Cook, editor, Jaguar Clubs of North America, Inc
LaLuneta, Orlando Bongiardino, editor, Club Amigos De Automoviles Antiguos (Argentina National)
Lincoln & Continental Comments, Tim Howley, editor, The Lincoln and Continental Owners Club (LCOC)
LineChaser, Sandy Felde, editor, Minnesota Street Rod Association (MSRA)
Mercedes-Benz Classic, Jochen Fischer & Hermann Ries, editors
Model “A” News, Helen Ehrenhofer, editor, The Model “A” Restorers Club (MARC)
Model T Times, Natalie W. Peiffer, editor, Model T Ford Club International (MTFCI)
The Packard Cormorant, Stuart Blond, editor, Packard Automobile Classics (PAC)
Packards International Magazine, Don Hull, editor, Packards International Motor Car Club (PIMCC)
Plymouth Bulletin, Lanny D. Knutson, editor, Plymouth Owners Club (POC)
Porsche Panorama, Pete Stout, editor, Porsche Club of America (PCA)
Porsche 356 Registry, Gordon Maltby, editor, Porsche 356 Registry Inc.
The Professional Car, Walter M. P. McCall, editor, The Professional Car Society (PCS)
The Restorer, Jim Spawn, editor, Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA)
The Riview, Ray Knott, editor, The Riviera Owners Association
The Self-Starter, Stephen E. Stewart, editor, Cadillac & LaSalle Club (CLC)
Smoke Signals, Donald J. Keefe, editor-in-chief, Pontiac-Oakland Club International (POCI)
Turning Wheels, Ann Turner, editor, The Studebaker Drivers Club (SDC)
V8 Times, Jerry Windle, editor, Early Ford V-8 Club of America (EFVCA)
The Vintage Ford, Jay Klehfoth, editor, Model T Ford Club of America (MTFCA)
Wheels of Time, Stormy Wylie, editor, American Truck Historical Society (ATHS)
Woodie Times, John Lee, editor, The National Woodie Club
WTN (White Triangle News), Sam Jackson, editor, The Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club Inc. (HET Club)
AEV — Action Era Vehicle, Charles R. Smith, editor, The Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association
American Motoring, Cheryl Samuel & Mike Spangler, editors, The American Motors Owners Association (AMOA)
The Arrow, Roger Sherman, editor, The Pierce-Arrow Society
At the Sign of the Cat, vacant, Cougar Club of America
The Auburn Cord Duesenburg Club Newsletter, Stan Gilliland, editor, Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club
The Brickline, John T. Blair, editor, Bricklin International Owners Club Inc.
Bulletin, Ron Verschoor, editor, CCCA
The Cormorant News Bulletin, Craig Handley, editor, Packard Automobile Classics Inc.
Corsa Communique, Mike McGowan, executive editor, Corvair Society of America Inc.
Crosley Quarterly, Fred Syrdal, editor, Crosley Automobile Club Inc.
DeSoto Adventures, Geoff Overley, editor, National DeSoto Club Inc.
Enjine! Enjine!, Scott Rollins, editor, SPAAMFAA
Healey Marque, Reid Trummel, editor, Austin-Healey Club of America
The Ignitor, John Teel, editor, The Spark Plug Collectors of America
Impala News, Mike Berry, owner and editor, National Impala Association
Journey With Olds, Shannon Olson, editor, Oldsmobile Club of America
The Legend, Tom Szymyczyk, editor, GTO Association of America (GTOAA)
The NCRS Driveline, Eric Mortimer, editor, National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS)
The Nomad Post, John Lee, editor, Chevrolet Nomad Association
On Solid Ground, Ken Amrick, Solid Axle Corvette Club
The Peerless Co-Operator, Lis Nichols, editor, Peerless Motor Club Inc.
Quicksilver, Todd Haefer, editor, The International Mercury Owners Association
The Skyliner, John Shapiro, editor, International Ford Retractable Club
The Starter, John Nikodym, Willys-Overland-Knight Registry Inc.
Stutz News, Carl and Carol Jensen, editors, The Stutz Club Inc.
The Supercharger, Dale Robbins, editor, The Graham Owners Club International
300 Star Letter, Cyndi Vander Horn, editor, Gull Wing Group
Thunder & Lightning, Renee Kuharchuk, editor, Hurst/Olds Club of America
The Vintage Triumph, Mike Cook, editor, The Vintage Triumph Register
VSA, Jim Bates, editor and publisher, Volvo Sports America/1800 Register, Inc.
The Way of the Zephyr, David L. Cole, editor, Lincoln-Zephyr Owners Club
WPC News, Richard Bowman, editor, Chrysler Product Restorers Club
American Austin Bantam Club News, Bob and Cathy Cunningham, editors, The American Austin Bantam Club
Cross Flags, Jeff Butz, editor, 1965-66 Full Size Chevrolet Club
Driving Force, Colby Martin, editor, SEMA Action Network, Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
Driveshaft, Doug Buhrer, editor, Lambda Car Club International
Durant Partner, Carol Fogarazzo, editor, Durant Motors Automobile Club
’53-’54 Buick Skylark Club, Gary Li Lillo, editor, ’53-’54 Buick Skylark Club
Fomoco Times, Travis Sheaffer, editor, Crown Victoria Association
Front Wheel Driver, Steve and Lucy Blakey, editors, Toronado Owners Association
Kaiser Frazer Owners Club International Monthly News Bulletin, Barbara Mueller, editor, KFOCI
The Marmon News, Jeff Stumb, editor, The Marmon Club
The National Falcon News, Janet Wilkerson, editor, Falcon Club of America
North American Singer Owners Club News, Phillip Avis, editor, NASOC
Professional Car Collector, Louis C. Farah, editor, Professional Cars International
Pur Sang, Tom Clifford, editor, American Bugatti Club
Reo Echo, Stan and Lois Pream and Martin Moody, editors, Reo Club of America
Runabouts to Rockets, Wendy Crosby, editor, National Antique Oldsmobile Club Inc.
The Silver Shell, Jeff Buckley, editor, Moon Car Club
Talegate, Chuck Snyder, editor, The International Station Wagon Club
TC America Incorporated Newsletter, N. Karleen Tarola, president, The National American Motors Drivers & Racers Association
Thunderbird Script, Nicole Colwell, editor, International Thunderbird Club
Thunderbird Scoop, Terri McNeill, editor, Vintage Thunderbird Club International
Tiger News, Ken Smith, editor, The Cruisin’ Tigers GTO Club Inc.
Torque Tube II, Joseph Suarez, editor, 1936-1938 Buick Club
Tough Americans, Jock Jocewicz, editor, The National American Motors Drivers and Racers Association
Tucker Topics, Martin Mieras and Cheryl Tucker, editors, Tucker Automobile Club of America Inc.
Viva Carrera!, Bill Culver, editor, Road Race Lincoln Register, Inc.
Braking News, Jeff Lane, director, Lane Motor Museum
Foundation News, Early Ford V-8 Foundation
Gray Goose News, Terry Ernest, editor/director, The Wills Museum
The Hudson Triangle, Mike Cherry, editor, HET Historical Society
Precious Metal, Jackie L. Frady, editor, National Automobile Museum, The Harrah Collection
Red Cap Review II, Charles E. Wilson, editor, Mullins Owners Club
SAH Journal, Ruben L. Verdes, editor, Society of Automotive Historians
The Time Machine, Mary Ann Porinchak, editor, National Packard Museum
AM Spirit, Steve Johnston, editor, Northern Ramblers Car Club Inc.
The Bird’s Nest, Don Seymour, editor, New England’s Vintage Thunderbirds
The Dashboard, Dave Nevers, editor, The Greater Illinois Region — CCCA
Driven, Tom Dankel, editor, Shelby American Automobile Club of Northern California
Fiero Focus, Scott Savage and Christopher Sass, editors, Northern Illinois Fiero Enthusiast Inc.
Hoosier Horn, Jeffrey Shively, editor, Indiana Region — CCCA
LaCad, Terry and Robyn Griffin, eitors, regions of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club of Australia
The Mudflap, Mark McAlpine, editor, Tidewater Region — AACA
Northern Lights, Bob Porter, editor, Ohio Region — CCCA
Oregon Clipper, David Charvet, editor, Packards of Oregon
Torque, Tom Goad, editor, Michigan Region — CCCA
The Vette Signal, John Davin, editor, Michigan Chapter — NCRS
Arizona Bird Chatter, Barbara Blair, editor, Arizona Classic Thunderbird Club
Badger Bullet-N, Ernie Loga, editor, Badger Wheels — SDC
Bonding Strip, Jamie Fiffles, editor, Southern California Chapter —NCRS
The Brass Lamp, Ron Nelson, editor, Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri
Cadillac & LaSalle Club Northwest Ohio Region News, Elden Smith, editor, Cadillac & LaSalle Club — Northwest Ohio Region
Chrysler Tonic, Carol Morice, editor, WPC Club Northern Illinois Region, Chrysler Product Restorers Club, WPC
Cormorant Flier, Stan Ruesch, editor, Wisconsin Packard Club – PAC
The Falcon Times, Gary Nenninger, editor, Northeast Chapter Falcon Club of America
The Gas Buggy Gazette, John E. Sayler Jr., editor, Gettsburg Region —AACA
Henney Program of Progress, George Hamlin, editor, Henney Chapter — Professional Car Society
The Hexagon, Dave English, acting editor, Mid-Atlantic Packards — PAC
Hoosier Views, Bruce and Carol Gable, editors, Indiana Regional Group #56 EFVCA
The Hub Cap, Joyce Edfors, editor, Wisconsin Region — CCCA
The Lord Nuffield Crier, Bob and Lynne Mendelsohn, editors, The Ohio Chapter NEMGTR
The Occasional, Steven G. Williams, editor, Model T Ford Club of Greater St. Louis Inc.
On Call, Bee Hamlin, editor, Mid-Atlantic Chapter — PCS
The Overhead Cammer, Jim Black, editor, Overhead Cammers Chapter — POCI
Pelican Papers, David Robinson, editor, North Atlantic Packard — PAC
Planetary News, Mike Zahorik, editor, Model T Ford Club of Greater Milwaukee
The Skyline, Craig Handley, editor, The Metro Region — CCCA
Snic-Braaapp, Bob Streepy, editor, Illinois Sports Owners Association
Wheel Tracks, Gary Fiske, editor, Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts –The Vermont Antique Automobile Society
The Winged Goddess, Jeffrey Shively, 1941 Chapter of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club
WOW – Willys Overland Words, Joy Heidal, editor, Willys Overland Northwest Chapter
Arc and Spark, John McLellan, editor, Kalamazoo Antique Auto Restorers Club
Badger Chatter, Keith Baker, Badger State Chapter — POCI
Bird-News, Classic Thunderbird Club of Chicagoland — CTCI, Bert Eisenhour, editor
Boomtimes, William C. Anderson, editor, Buick Owners of Maryland
Caddy Chatter, Tony Albarella, editor, Cadillac Club of North Jersey
Chrysler Tonic, Carol Morice, editor, WPC Club Northern Illinois Region, Chrysler Product Restorers Club, WPC
Classic Olds Journal, Mary Degler, editor, Olds Club of Florida — Oldsmobile Club of America
Cloisonne Calendar, Bill Heptig, editor, Minnesota Packards
Connector, Chris Gray, editor, Pacific Northwest Region —LCOC
Country Roads, Ron Althoff, editor, Blue Ridge Packards — PAC
Cruisers Monthly Crusin, Paul Saulnier, editor, Mass Cruisers Auto Club
The Dagmar, Wayne Shmitka, editor, Rocky Mountain Region — CLC
The Distributor, Brad Hunsinger, editor, High-Country Regional Group — EFVCA
Dynaflash, Jim Jaeger, editor, Hawkeye Chapter — BCA
The Enlightener, Dan Cress, editor, Badger Region — CLC
FINZ Magazine, Ron Melville, editor, The Cadillac & LaSalle Club of New Zealand
The GMC Times, Paul Bergstrom, editor, GMC Truck Chapter — POCI
Good Olds Days, Robert Bezingue, editor, Illinois Valley Olds Club
The Great Plains Terraplane Hudson Gazette, Ramona Dittrich, editor, Nebraska-Iowa Chapter of the HET Club
Hawkeye Hexagon, Dick Boswell, editor, Iowa Hawkeye Packards — PAC
The Helm, Sarah Ulrich-Meller, editor, Mississippi Valley Packards
The Herald, Tony Karsnia, editor, Northstar Region — CLC
The Hood Scoop, Chris Winslow, editor, Gateway GTO Association
The Hud-Nut News, Polly Mitchell/Jesse Smith, editor & website, Chicago-Milwaukee Chapter — HET Club
The Hudson-Aire, Lynn P. Horn, editor, Chesapeake Bay Chapter — HET Club
The Hudson Mechanic’s Rag, Ed Wright, editor, HET Club
The Hudson Monthly, Lew Bird, editor, North Texas Chapter — HET Club
The Hudson rEflecTor, Southern California Chapter — HET Club
Mid-Atlantic Mayflower, David B. Young, editor, Mid-Atlantic Region — Plymouth Owners Club
Northern Lights, Donna & Bill Dirnberger, editor, Minnesota Region — AACA
Northstar News, David W. Gustafson, editor, Northstar Chapter — LCOC
The Nuts and Bolts, Joe Pinson, editor, Cape Canaveral Region — AACA
Packardgram, Duane Gunn, editor, Arizona Region — Packards International
The Packard Panorama, Jim Yocum, editor, Keystone Packards — PAC
Packard Profiles, Ken Dunning, editor, Peachstate Packards Region — PAC
The Pious Pelican, Bud Juneau, Northern California Packards – PAC
PMD Excitement, Chuck Catalano, editor, South Jersey Pontiac Chapter — POCI
The Pushrod, Pam Scherer, editor, Milwaukee Corvair Club — CORSA
The Redline Times, Reba Whittington, editor, The Carolinas Chapter — NCRS
Road Chatter, Ken and Carolyn Bounds, editors, Northern Illinois Regional Group #8 — EFVCA
The Rocket Review Quarterly, Scott Phillips, editor, Capitol City Rockets — Oldsmobile Club of America
Royal Goat Tales, Tom Somerville, editor, The Royal GTO
St. Louis Gateway Chapter Newsletter, Thomas Gipe, editor, Avanti Owners Association International
Saxon Times, Walter H. Prichard, editor, Saxon Automobile Owners
The Steering Column, Betty Fisher, editor, The Greater Baltimore Model A Ford Club
The Superior Times, Brad A. Ross, editor, Michigan Chapter — PCS
Thunderbird Flyer, Tom Przedwojewski, editor, Northwest Vintage Thunderbird Club
Tiger News!, Ken Smith, editor, The Cruisin’ Tigers GTO Club
The Triumph Standard, Scott McKee, editor, Southern California Triumph Owners Association
Tomatalk, Paul Bergstom, editor, Minnesota Tomahawk Chapter — POCI
Trail Bird News, Betty Tulowitzky, Secretary, Trail Birds of Southwest Florida
Twin Ports Mustang & Ford Times, Judy Aunet, editor, Twin Ports Mustang & Ford Club
Up To Speed, Maureen Blevins, editor, Greater Illinois Region — CCCA
The Voice, Dave Bajumpaa, editor, Connecticut Council of Car Clubs
Club publications in this category do not receive a Golden Quill Award certificate but receive the honor of being mentioned as a serious competitor.
1915-1918 Buick & McLaughlin-Buick Owners Newsletter Group, Dean G. Tryon, editor
The Ah-OOO-Gah Bulletin, Peter Winnewisser, editor, The Mohican Model A Ford Club of CNY
Airhorn, Charley Biddle, editor, Chicagoland Corvair Enthusiasts
Alabama Packards Newsletter, Dale Baker, editor, Alabama Packards – PAC
The Atlantic Lady, Joanne Goldman, editor, RROC — Atlantic Region
Blue Smoke, Karl Henry, editor, Central Chapter — LZOC
Bow Tie Bulletin, Ron Panicucci, editor, Jersey Lakeland Region — VCCA
Buicks Our Way, Keith Horsfall, info, Buick Modified Division — Buick Club of America
Caddy Corner, Ray Koziol, editor, Raritan River Region — CLC
Cadillac Past, Chris Milici, editor, New England Region — CLC
Carolina Plymouth Power, Dean Yates, editor, Carolina Region — Plymouth Owners Club
Chevy Chatter, Barbara Sparks, editor, Lower Michigan Region — VCCA
Christian Rods & Customs, Buddy Wymore, editor
Clutch Chatter, Larry Huffman, editor, Tri-County AACA
The Criterion, Bill Marcy, editor, Northeast Chapter — PCS
The Data Plate, Jeff Pachl, editor, Mid-America Packards, PAC
The Echo, Chris Collins/Claudia Robinette, editors, Grand Canyon State Chapter — SDC
Exhaust Valve, Jim Jaeger, editor, Fireball Chapter —BCA
Frankfort Car Club Newsletter, Joni Plummer, editor, Frankfort Car Club
From The Corral, Bill Krieger, editor, Northern Mustang Corral
Ford Words, East Tennessee Regional Group — EFVCA
Got Yer Goat, John and Linda Lawrence, editors, Classic GTO Association of Denver
Hoosier Ramblings, John Lucke, editor, Hoosier AMC Club
The Hub & Spoke, Don Jones, editor, Lynchburg, VA Region — AACA
The Hud-Nut News, Polly Mitchell and Jesse Smith, editors, Chicago-Milwaukee Chapter — HET Club
The Hudson Monthly, Lew Bird, editor, North Texas Chapter —HET Club
Hudsonnews, Richard Low, editor, Dixie Chapter — HET Club
Long Life, John Nikodym, editor, Velie Motors Corp.
Metro Lines, John Waluk, editor, Metro-Long Islands Chapter — NCRS
Palmetto Pentastar, Don Turpin, editor, Palmetto Region — Plymouth Owners Club
PCPV News, Paul Bergstrom, editor, Pontiac Commercial & Professional Vehicle Chapter — POCI
Pansiftings, Ray Maier, editor, St Cloud Antique Auto Club Inc.
Peregrine Press, Phil Barber, editor, Mason Dixon Chapter — Falcon Club of America
Phantom News, Will Burleigh, associate editor, Phantoms Motor/Motor Club
Porthole, Marge Dahl, editor, Gopher State Chapter — BCA
Puget Sounds, Scott Jenkins, editor, Puget Sound Regional Group #18 — EFVCA
Rocky Mt. HET News, Bill Lentz, editor, Hudson Motor Car Company of Colorado
Redline Times, Jason Baird, editor, Goat Herd GTO Club of Oregon
Rumblesheet, Bruce Nelson and associates, editor, Twin Cities Regional Group — EFVCA
Silver Dome Gazette, editor open, California Chrysler Products Club
Sallee Speaks, John Byrden, editor, LaSalle Appreciation Society
The Spokesman, Mike Spangler & Cheryl Samuel, editors, Jefferson Collectables
The Standard, Kevin Luedtke, editor, Motor City Region — CLC
Standard Of The World, Bill Levy, editor, North Texas Region — CLC
The Steering Wheel, Ed Meyer, editor, MO/IL Gateway Chapter — SDC
Studebaker Spokesman, Claude Chmielewski, editor, Wisconsin Region — SDC
Three-Pedal Press, Karl Henry, editor, Wisconsin Capital Model T Ford Club — MTFCA
Tiger Times, Dick & Sand Kos, managing editors, Land of Lakes GTOs – GTO Association of America
Tin Lizzie Times, Jerry Campbell, editor, Tacoma Model T Ford Club
Tomahawk, Paul Bergstrom, editor, Minnesota Tomahawk Chapter — POCI
The Tripower Times, Jay Robinson, editor, Northern Colorado GTO Association
Wheels “A” Rolling, Gerald and Barbara Howard, editors, Mid-Atlantic Region – VMCCA
Car Show & Cruise Guide, Dave Bielecki, editor, Mid-Atlantic car collector